Wednesday, November 1, 2023

A new month...

 November 1, 2023

Wasn’t it just a couple of days ago that I commented on our having arrived in October, and where the hell had the time gone? Well, here we are again, at the beginning of a new month. And while I don’t recall any great change in the environment accompanying the beginning of October, I can’t say the same for November.

It is chilly out there!

It’s not that we didn’t see this cold weather coming, because of course we did. But I can’t say that we, here in the Ashbury household, are prepared for it. We are not.

We did manage to meet the neighborhood demands of the season yesterday. But as we’re older, neither of us felt we could sit outside to hand out candies to wandering ghosts, ghouls, and goblins. We can’t have them knocking on the door, of course, because, well, dogs. Dogs that bark and get overly excited and want to go outside and greet the knockers. And not only dogs this year, but we now have that kitten (three months old next week), and kitten thinks he needs to discover this “outside” he can see but never touch. And while the closed gate of the porch successfully keeps the dogs safe, that darn kitten is small enough to go through the slats of the gate—and limber enough to jump up on the porch railing and jump down on the other side.

He is a very determined little critter.

David set up a candy bowl outside—on the walkway, so no one even had to climb the steps to the porch. He even set this cute light in the likeness of a dog on the step above it so that it shined down into the bowl.

The good news is that I managed to locate Halloween candy on Monday when I went to our former regular grocery store (no longer our regular store because their prices are outrageous). I had been to our local large mega store on Saturday, but they had no Halloween candy at all. They had large boxes of chips, but I didn’t want to hand out chips. Neither did I think Christmas candy, which they had in abundance, would do.

So, I bought two packages of candy, 50 pieces each, and was relieved to have plenty for the handout.  We don’t usually have a lot of takers in this neighborhood, and we always have a lot left over.

However, this year was different. There had been several homes in the neighborhood that had, over the last few months changed hands. And apparently, we now have quite a few children in the neighborhood.

And finally, the bad news: At least one of the new little gremlins came along and emptied the entire large bowl of candies into his/her bag. I guessed it was a new gremlin because we have actually left the candy bowl unattended the last two years, and that hadn’t happened.

David took more candy out to put in the bowl, and there was still some left when he brought it back in again once the parade of costumed children ceased. Not only that, but there was also enough in the packages in the house to give those who live here and suffer from the occasional chocolate craving something to nibble for at least the next few months.

The squirrels have done their part in removing the fallen walnuts from our yard, sidewalk, and roadway. Even with the great dent we made that one weekend in early October, I’d say the critters had a good walnut harvest from us this year. The leaves of that tree are nearly completely all down, now. Just in time for the neighboring maples to begin to drop their leaves.

We have a lot of yard work left to do, and since we can’t hope for warm days, hope for sunny ones in which to get the work done. The leaves in the back yard, especially, need to be raked, because ticks like to hide in them, and well, dogs.

I, for one, used to love to rake leaves in the autumn. I enjoyed the fresh air, the slight sting to my cheeks, and the sense of accomplishment when the job was done. Yes, even if more leaves fell and I had to do it all over again the next week, I still enjoyed the work.

Those days are behind me now, and I console myself—as I do with most things I can no longer accomplish—that I at least took the time to appreciate those moments as they happened.

I’m still doing that, of course. Only the moments themselves have changed. What hasn’t changed is the spirit of gratitude with which I embrace them.




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