Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Still writing...

 June 19, 2024

I won’t begin this essay by complaining about the heat. After all, aside from a few days so far in the year of 2024, this spring has been more of a traditional one than most, lately. There were slightly warm days with much cooler nights; and there has been rain, a lot of rain. The rain was accompanied by varying degrees of chill in the air more often than not. The result is that for the moment, all of the foliage looks lush and green and very healthy.

Our table gardens have taken; some of the green bean seeds I received in the mail were, alas, climbers. My fault, entirely. We’re going to get a small plastic trellis and put it where the beans can use it, and hope that saves the rest of the neighboring plants that aren’t beans from viny entanglements. Some of our beans have blossoms, as do our tomatoes and even the two different variety of squash David has planted. In two separate gardens, of course. About a foot apart.

The gardens are his domain, and I am determined to keep my mouth shut. Not sure that I’m up to the task. But I have hope.

I’m about to begin my next installment of my Lusty, Texas collection. This will be the 48th title in this “world”. After I had written the two historical novels that form the basis for this series back in 2010, I came up with the idea to have a short, contemporary series. I etched it out on a MS-word document, and figured I had characters and ideas for 4, maybe 5 books. Hot damn! That MS-doc was, before long, followed by an actual family tree which I had made up (as a bit of free swag for readers), and of which I still have some copies. The first family tree was followed, of course, by a second.

And when I was away on a writing retreat with my dear friend, Emma Wildes, we sat down and came up with “titles”. We aimed for one for every letter of the alphabet. I never actually thought there would be as many as 26 stories! Now that right there was a failure of imagination on my part.

And while it is true that I have far fewer readers than I once did, I still have a fair number who purchase each book. And I promised my readers that as along as they did, I would keep writing them, so here I am. About to begin the 48th title in the series.

There have been two trilogies as well over the course of the last 14 years; one that is a part of the same Lusty, Texas world but with a bit of a harder edge, and one that is not. That other trilogy is actually of a “supernatural” world. I’m not certain if I am done with that world. Because when it comes to writing, I really do let the inspiration elves have their way with me.

A few years ago, I was able to write several novels (of about 60 thousand words each) a year. Since Covid, I’m down to one a year. Life has slowed down for me in several areas, which is what it is. I’m doing my best to focus on being grateful that I can still construct a story and write—though I do know that there are a few more errors here and there that escape my first look.

I feel grateful that my imagination is still working, that my mind is still curious, and that I can still immerse myself in this world of my own creation. There are messages in each of my stories for those who need to hear them. I am certain that those who need to, do.

And that, more than anything, is why I still write.

Aside from the pleasure I derive from the stories themselves, I give thanks that I remain a teller of tales that help to ease burdens and give rest. And sometimes, when I am exceptionally lucky, I discover that my words have given increase, as well.

Writers write so that readers may read.  Reading gives entertainment, but also refreshment and rest.

Not a bad way to spend my time, to my way of thinking.





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