Wednesday, December 20, 2023

A Christmas tree and crumpled paper...

 December 20, 2023

As of last night, and with the help of two of our great-grandchildren, our Christmas tree is finally up and decorated.

David had taken the tree out of the box and put it up earlier in the day, since we knew the younger ones would be here for supper and to spend time with their grandmother, our daughter. We also had wanted the tree itself to be erected for a few hours ahead of decorating because, different this year for us, we have a kitten-cat in the house.

Smokey is still of the opinion that there are but three things in the world—play, food, and sleep. And the greatest of these is, of course, play. We weren’t completely certain how the tree was going to fare this year.

For the last several years, we have had this artificial tree that stands but four and a half feet tall. When we first erected this tree, we knew immediately that our old, regular-sized ornaments would never do, so we set about purchasing miniature ornaments. I must say that of all the trees we’ve had over the years, I think I’m happiest with this one. We don’t buy tinsel anymore—it’s been about four years since we last laid those silver icicles on the green, manufactured boughs. Of course, that doesn’t mean there is not still the odd piece of a glittering metallic strip to be found.  (David was proud that he saw one and grabbed that sucker right off there as he was putting it together, because, well, cats and tinsel do not a happy combination make.)

After David erected the tree, I took up the box that contained our ornaments and culled out all that were made of glass and therefore easily breakable. Those will have to sit out this year. It seemed to me that it would be the height of arrogance to put glass ornaments on the first-ever Christmas tree of Smokey-kitty. We still had a lot of little wooden and plastic ornaments left to adorn the tree, so that was fine.

After supper, while their Nana did the dishes, I put hooks on ornaments and handed them out to the kids to hang. They listened intently as I asked them to not cluster the ornaments in one spot and to not hang anything near the bottom of the tree. Of course, they nodded their understanding and then proceeded to hang the ornaments in clusters and along the bottom…. well, they’re 10 and 9 years of age, and listened according to the norms for their ages.

A good couple of hours passed after decorating the tree, before the kitty finally noticed that there was something different about the new thing his grandpa had put up in the living room. And about five more seconds after that for him to capture his first prize from the tree—a very miniature toy soldier.

On the positive side, Smokey-kitty was very delicate about separating tree and trinket. On the negative side, those tiniest of ornaments could be a choking hazard for him, so I took it from him, and then moved the handful of others that were of a similar size to a spot out of kitty-sight and therefore, hopefully, out of kitty-reach.

Also on the plus side, Smokey doesn’t seem overly fixated on the new item in his world. While he does love to play, his third most preferred group of toys are the dogs—he has a patented stalking, then leaping very close to but not on them manoeuvre that is truly something to behold. His second-best toy is human feet. Coming, going, cane-aided or not, the little critter loves capturing those feet and then curling around the legs that support them and hanging on—either for a ride, a fling, or to nibble, whatever the mood of the moment may be.

But the number one favorite toy of this silly kitty remains, thank God, the tried-and-true bit of crumpled paper. We keep stashes of paper in the kitchen, in my office, and in the living room. I cut up pharmacy bags and junk mail to amass those stashes. So there, at the ready, are hidden piles of pure kitty bliss. Just waiting to be crumpled into tight balls and tossed.

I am grateful for the availability and efficacy of this simple, so far no-fail distraction. I don’t even mind picking up the deserted and/or cached bunch of “toys” Smokey strews throughout the house on a daily basis. Some can be reused to distract anew, and some are assigned to the trash. And since these bits of paper are all from paper that has already been used once or even twice, I tell myself I am not only entertaining the cat among us.

I’m also doing my part for the environment.





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