Wednesday, October 18, 2023

We all have a role to play...

 October 18, 2023

There’s that old saying that when times get tough, the tough get going. Like most “old sayings” there is truth held within those words. But they are of little comfort in times such as the one we’re living in, when the news that is assaulting us from the world is so very grim.

It can feel, at times, as if humanity has lost its way. Believe me when I say that is not something that I want to feel.

There is evil in this world of ours. One cannot claim that there is goodness if one doesn’t also acknowledge evil. And while there has always been evil, just lately evil appears to be getting more press. It’s no longer content to live in the shadows and under rocks. And as evil becomes more visible, it seems to grow exponentially. Those who would hesitate to show their true colors become emboldened by persons of note who appear to be able to indulge in evil-doing with impunity.

The ongoing and growing evidence of evil always breeds more. Some look to a society that is supposed to stand for noble qualities, sees the chaos evil has wrought, and assume that society is too hobbled to be a force for good.

This is nothing less than clear evidence that the struggle between good and evil is a never-ending, ongoing struggle. The mistake that we must not make, however, as we live our inconspicuous lives, day to day, is thinking that this battle is supposed to be waged by others.

We all have a role to play on the stage of life. This stage where from time-to-time events that are bigger than all of us are playing out. This stage upon which at time the battle is fierce and with far-reaching consequences.

If evil begets more evil, then surely kindness begets more kindness. And kindness, by its very nature of positivity, of uplifting and empowering and sheer goodness is stronger than evil. But it needs every single one of us to do our part.

We need to be kind, to others and to ourselves. In our actions and in our thoughts. We need to measure our responses to any given situation and, rather than let uninformed assumptions take over, we need to wait for the actual facts. Truth will emerge and we must be ready to receive it.

One can acknowledge that evil is a strong and prevalent force in today’s world while still holding fast to kindness, charity and faith. Even this word program I’m using is a case in point. When I put my cursor on the word “kindness” and right-click, this program tells me the synonyms for that word. The first one it showed was “charity” but the second one was “humanity.”

Friends, we can do our part by simply hanging on to our humanity day by day by day. Good and positive thoughts, good and positive actions—they matter. Choose to await the truth rather than jumping to conclusions. Choose to offer a hand up rather than a push down. Choose to reaffirm, in your thoughts, the principles to which you adhere and remind yourself to do just that.

Of course, while one should remain informed of what’s going on, one must not take in an overabundance of negativity. For that reason, try not to watch so much news. Your television has an off button. Do not be afraid to use it.

Take time to sit, and relax, and see if you can locate a kernel of peace within you. That kernel needs cultivating as surely as any other good seed does.

I do believe in the power of positive thinking—and that more of us need to adopt that belief.

Friends, the world is counting on us!





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