Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Mother Nature, you little tease...

 February 15, 2023

We’ve been teased by Mother Nature with a wonderful taste of spring this past week. It’s been mild enough these last few days that David has sat out on his beloved porch a few times—with, of course, all the dogs in tail-wagging attendance. Seriously, it would be difficult for me to decide who was more enraptured with the basking in the sun—human, or canines. Then yesterday, he treated himself to a scooter ride to the great and historic commercial center of our small town. Stated goal, he wanted to get me some flowers and a card for me for Valentine’s Day. Major side benefit? A takeout order of his favorite fries and gravy from the restaurant just across the street from the pharmacy.

In the aftermath, when the tummy bliss was but a memory, he was a very happy camper. And, since he brought me (as well as the flowers and the card) a gyro from that same take-out eatery, I was a happy camper, too.

Already our front flower beds are showing lovely little green shoots. Of course, this warming trend and glorious sunshine is truly just a tease; we’re not done with the cold and the snow quite yet. But since those same plants have come up early the last couple of years, I won’t worry about them. They’ve already proven themselves to be pretty hardy and adept at handling nature’s false starts. They don’t seem to let another snowfall or two stop them.

It’s a good thought to remember and hold close; even under the snow and during the worst blizzards, plants are working to get ready to bloom. They never once show in any way that they believe they will never bloom again—and neither should we.

For all the predictions we heard last autumn to the contrary, this hasn’t been a horrible winter, not in any way. Oh, we’ve had a few visits to the sub-zero zone on the thermometer, but those were only days at a time, and not weeks. And yes, here we’ve had a few good dumps of snow, but each time, after a couple of weeks, that snow has melted.

At this point in time all we have to show for all the active winter weather we’ve endured is a ridge of ice just a few inches from the sidewalk – underneath where the cars are usually parked.

I’ve been doing my best recently to disengage from the crazies and the reality-challenged who seem to be filling the air waves lately. For my own mental well-being, as well as my blood pressure, I believe this is a prudent course of action for me to take. I’ve come to the conclusion that the cause of most of the strife and division and bare naked stupidity in this world can be summed up in one word: politics.

There was a song released way back in 1970 by an artist named Edwin Star. It’s opening lines are: War…huh….yeah/ What is it good for? Absolutely nothing…  I’m thinking a 2023 update might be in order, substituting the word “politics” for “war”. Yes, my friends, that is harsh. I know there are some folks of every belief system, from all sides of the aisle as it were, who do good work, and are true public servants. But from where I’m sitting, those good hearted folks appear to be heartbreakingly outnumbered.

Meanwhile, we’re beginning to think of the planting season about to come. We aren’t just going to talk about the veggies we would like to start and then grow in our table gardens; no, we’re actually going to do that little thing. Now there’s a good bumper sticker: Don’t just talk; do!

But first, my daughter and I need to see what we can do about replacing all the soil currently in those boxes….my dear husband hates what he perceives as waste. But there are areas in our yard that could use the current several-years used soil to good purpose.

And now, I will focus with anticipation on the season of new beginnings and regrowth to come.





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