Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Working on a project...

 January 29, 2025

We really fell down here, this past autumn, at the Ashbury household. Now, I could blame the stars for not aligning properly, and really that’s not as absurd as it sounds. Things really didn’t work out for us, on more than one level and occasion. In fact, the timing sucked, all the way around.

We’d planned to have our two oldest great-grandchildren do yard work—to help with the raking of the leaves, the cleaning out of the gardens, and the storing away of the back yard accoutrements: the table, the chairs, and the “ground covering” that we place over a very rough patch of concrete where the table and chairs take up space.

This plan was made because the children wanted to earn money for a goal that they’d set for themselves. We’re all for that.

However, every weekend that the children were free, the weather was awful. The weekends they weren’t free, and the weather wasn’t too bad, but at least two of us were having mobility/health issues at any given time.

So here we are, mid winter, none of the prep work for winter having been done. The tables, chairs, and ground cover are outside in the elements for the first winter, ever—as opposed to being tucked into the shed where no snow falls or ice forms.

I’m the only one in the house who feels the weight of this failure. And I think that is so, because it’s a part of my own personal journey along these uncharted paths of getting older.

I think I need to learn how to acknowledge—mostly to myself—that there are just things I cannot do anymore. That’s a hard thing for me to admit. I’ve always had lots of energy, and lots of mental capacity to juggle, handle, get things done. I also used to be the first person in line to offer to help others. I believe in helping others. Not so much the reverse, though.

Now I have to ask others for help, and that’s actually the hardest thing for me to do.

If we get a “January thaw”, even if it’s in February, I’m going to try and get some of those not-done chores done. I’ll give it my best shot, at any rate, and I will nag for help.

One thing I have been doing, and likely shouldn’t tell folks about, is I have been doing some very long overdue housekeeping of my email files.

I won’t tell you how bad it was. Let’s just say I was bordering on entering “hoarder” territory. When I realized just how many emails I had in those files, I felt overwhelmed at the prospect of cleaning them up.

But I thought on the matter a great deal and realized that I could set myself a goal of dealing with a certain number each day. Could I sit down and get it all done in one day? Definitely not. Could I do a certain number each day? Why yes, I could.

I’m pleased to report that two of my four email accounts have been cleared. And I am into day two of the third one. It will take some time. But I am determined to get this handled.

If you’re wondering what I will do once I have done so—well, folks, this office of mine also includes some storage shelves for canned goods and everyone’s what-nots, not just my own. And bookshelves where actual print books reside. And a small refrigerator wherein the water, soda, and other sorts of hydration reside, as well as the cases that fill same.

I know I’m going to need help for that phase of the project I have dubbed “the reorganization of Morgan Ashbury.”  And I plan to use my success in cleaning up the email as a reason why those of sound mind and body should be delighted to lend a hand.

That will likely be in a couple of months, because it would be good to have a bit less cold weather to allow for the opening of windows and the cleaning of the floor, and the airing out of the staleness of clutter.

So, I’m just going to believe that when the time comes, I’ll have the help—and the inspiration—that I need.




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