Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Humans, their seasons, and a tomato...

 August 30, 2023

The summer progresses, as summers often do. I find myself wondering why on earth I was so eager for this one to get here. Seriously, it’s been making a complete mess of things, don’t you think? Remember those really cold days just a few months ago, this past winter? How we all put our hopes and trust on spring and summer giving us the blessed relief we craved. We had not fully formed images in our minds of sweet, warm days, idyllic scenes with slight breezes and distant but delightful birdsong. Maybe you imagined a bower, private and welcoming. Perhaps there was a hammock in this image, or a lounge chair with a pillow to cradle our world-weary head.

And then those two seasons, once more posing as inseparable twins so one could not tell where the first ended and the second began, arrived. There was heat and rain, rain and heat. The air was thick with humidity, and it felt as if we were once more living within a trap. This one, of course, was a hot trap instead of an icy cold trap, but a trap none the less. For far too many this idyllic summer has instead been an almost insufferable inferno.

I am coming to the conclusion that we humans are endlessly fickle and eternally impossible to please. We are seriously flawed—because we do tend to equate contentment with circumstance, and that, I believe, is always a mistake.

Later today I am finally off to purchase my new glasses. It’ll be a week until they’re ready, but that’s ok. Once more I am going to be frugal. There is a place in the next town that offers “three-for-one” and that’s my favorite choice. That way I get my bifocals for driving, and such. I can get a pair of glasses calibrated for my computer; and I can get a pair of prescription sunglasses. This time I have a discount card, and I certainly won’t be choosing the most expensive frames.

This is something I should have done at the end of July, but it simply got away from me. I forget the darnedest things, lately. One wouldn’t think I would forget to go get my glasses, especially since, as I suspected had happened, my prescription has changed.

I’m still struggling with my cold. A friend helped me feel much better about this situation. She says that her rule of thumb for colds was that a cold takes a week coming, a week being, and a week going. By her measure I am in the last week of my cold. I’m looking forward to having more energy, and of course, being able to focus.

There was a tomato growing in our garden that was a really good size. The perfect tomato for putting on your hamburger, as one slice would completely cover the bun (and did). My daughter claimed it as her own, and we were fine with that. Last night, she grilled hamburgers for us and her two grandchildren. The kids, being kids, have not yet discovered the beauty of tomatoes. Daughter, of course, was gracious in allowing her father and I a slice, each. It was very good.

Tonight, she plans to have the second half of that tomato between slices of toast. We have promised to leave her chosen tomato for her, as there really are plenty more where that one came from. She also shared a picture of it with me. If you’re interested, you can see that on my Face Book wall.






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