Wednesday, March 30, 2022

 March 30, 2022

I swear that the last week here in my little corner of Ontario has greatly resembled a live re-enactment of a movie flashback scene. And the substance of that scene has been the weather from every season for the past year, except summer.

We had cold, damp, and rainy—that’s autumn. Then we had a little warm, sunny, with tiny green shoots popping up—spring. And then one day in the last few, we had a freaking blizzard. There were times when I would look out my widow and see nothing but a sheet of slanted, racing white…pollen.

Clearly Mother Nature has no desire whatsoever to let go of winter just yet, and the calendar be damned. Folks, I have declared for several years now—actually, since I began writing these essays—that winter here in the frozen north runs from October to March, inclusive. And today is the date on which we can say that there is only one day left in winter.

All right, you probably won’t say it but I will. I have a feeling though that my saying it won’t make a darn bit of difference to good old M.N.

This has been an odd week for humanity, hasn’t it? As if there isn’t enough going on in our own lives, and then in the wider world, that we have nothing better to do than to point our fingers at people who make mistakes even if what they’ve done might not necessarily be a mistake at all.

I have a love for the truth that seems to be growing exponentially as time goes by. Although I know it isn’t the passage of time that’s causing it. It’s the accumulative number of lies being told by those in positions of influence and power.

Just to be clear, and because a lot of those telling bald-faced lies proclaim to be followers of the Bible—lying is a sin. It is a no-no. It is listed in the top ten no-no list written in that book they all claim to follow! For those who need a refresher allow me to direct you to Exodus 20:16 “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.” Bearing false witness = lying.

And the more I hear people who know better telling lies, the more I cherish the truth when I hear it. Now, I get it, sort of. Words spoken have power, and words spoken by those in authority have a special power.

But it’s kind of disingenuous to take the position that those in power whom you’ve supported are exempt from this bit of truth. What you’re really saying in that case is “our guy can say whatever he wants but your guy better watch his mouth.”

I don’t understand the divisiveness, and I don’t understand the hate. Again, that book that most of the dividers and the haters claim to love tells them in that same chapter of Exodus that they should love their neighbors as they love themselves.

Talk about cognitive dissonance! I can’t imagine the stress that can be put on a human being, believing one thing while proclaiming to believe in another. Now, I’m not saying which of the two forces pulling at them—good or evil—is the one they truly believe. Because, quite frankly, it’s impossible for me, a mere human, to tell.

And truthfully, questions of this nature really are a matter between an individual and their God. It’s not for me to judge another person. I mean, I could make a very convincing argument for the development one can experience of a little something called discernment. If you’re wondering, that has to do with a parable about a good tree bearing only good fruit and yes, that’s in the same book I quoted above.

But I will leave that discussion for another time.

Meanwhile, as I said, it has been an odd week for humanity. These are the times that try men’s souls, to quote Thomas Payne. It becomes a real challenge to keep positive thoughts in one’s heart and mind, and that’s for certain.

A real challenge, yes—but not one impossible to overcome for those so motivated.





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