Wednesday, July 12, 2023


 July 12, 2023

Thunderstorms and lots of rain. I know we’ve had lots of rain because David hasn’t actually watered the veggie gardens for weeks. He’s happy about that—who wouldn’t be? The garden continues to grow. Daughter read up on tomato plants because they keep getting taller and taller, and that could be a disaster for them. She believes she has ended that problem, however, as she has now “topped” them. There remain a lot of flowers, and a few little green tomatoes starting to grow, so that’s good. And my, that Swiss chard seems to be doing well. The beans are, too, so we have a lovely harvest shaping up.

The wet, be it from rain or humidity continues to be the bane of my existence, or at least of my arthritis. I’ve been working on keeping my mind occupied with complex puzzles—well, complex for me. I have long ago discovered that the less one focuses on one’s pain, the less pain there is.

Acrostics continue to be my favorite form of entertainment under the category of mind preoccupation. For those who may not know, an acrostic is made up of two parts. There are standard crossword puzzle-type questions, with numbered spaces provided for the answers to the questions to be entered upon; then the letters of those answers appear in the crossword grid above the questions. The key to solving this combo-puzzle is working back and forth, because eventually you can discern words in the grid, fill in the missing letters, which then appear in the spaces for whichever question those letters belong to.

And while I have a few times scored “above average” in completion time for these puzzles, mostly I’m below average. I do my best to complete the puzzles, because I would rather be rated very slow, than to qualify myself as a quitter.

There have been a few puzzles that have stymied me. My current completion rate is 91.5 percent. The only hope I have to improve that, going forward is of course, not to leave any puzzle I start incomplete.

The writing seems to be going a bit better lately, and that is something to celebrate. I still enjoy writing as much as I ever have. My frustration came from my inability to focus, which in turn was influenced by several outside factors. And while I understood that I was in the same place that many were in, that didn’t mean I was content to wallow. Though perhaps I did, just a little.

I have my car back from the shop. It was awaiting repair for a couple of weeks, because the parts had to be ordered from the U. S. But they came and the car is fixed and so we are mobile for the foreseeable future, at any rate. We don’t go out every day. Usually, we’re out and about once a week, but sometimes not. We neither of us feel the need to get out and do things. We view outings as what we do when we need to either get groceries or attend a medical appointment.

We really are turning into proper hermits. We are older than we were, and quite probably more boring as well.

Friday is wedding anniversary #51 for us. We have nothing planned, as we had that lovely luncheon that our girls hosted for us last year, and that was quite wonderful.

It was on a Friday evening, all those years ago, that we exchanged our vows in that little church that had been my family’s church when I was a child. David and I had been dating for about a year, and we were expecting our first child when we said “I do.”

We’ll likely mark the day quietly and privately, and really, that’s just perfect.




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