Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Showers, flowers, and...prayers

 April 5, 2023

Ah, it’s the month of showers, flowers and Pilgrims. The time in spring that the sun is going to shine only when good old Mother Nature’s not giving us those showers. All necessary so that those little green shoots can become plants that grow and bloom, repeating the annual cycle that is written in their beings.

At least I can say that according to this family’s tradition, winter is over. Winter weather may not be, but the season has turned. The sky is still what I call a winter blue, and I am really looking forward to my first sighting of a deeper hue.

As far as I can tell, the world is still going to hell in the proverbial hand basket. Which has to be a bigger basket than I had ever imagined, when you consider all the lies that it is holding these days. That said, here’s something that I do wonder about, and often.

All those known and proven liars that seem to flood our airways lately, most of them have children, don’t they? So when they catch their own children lying to them, what the hell do they do? Give them a two-thumbs up salute? Score those lies on a scale of one to ten with an annual medal going to the child who told the most or the best lies? Do they tell the junior liars that mommy and daddy are proud, just so proud of them? What on God’s green (or soon to be green) earth do they do?

You see my problem, here. I really can’t easily assume that of course they will punish those children for lying, even if it does mean making themselves seem to be even bigger hypocrites than they already appear to be.

You may shake your head at me. You may even scoff and say that Morgan can now understand that lying liars will lie; but she still can’t accept that they don’t give one good damn about the example they are setting for their children, or anyone else for that matter. And you’d be right to do so. I don’t know what my problem is here. I clearly recall my mother saying to me, “do as I say, and not as I do.” I mean, that was an often used expression heard in my younger years, and not just at my own house. Mind you, that was in the 1950s and 1960s and was intended to underline the difference in acceptable behavior between children and adults. There was a clear distinctive line between what children could claim as rights what adults were empowered to do and believe me when I say that never the twain did meet, at least in my experience. But still.

I doubt this inner conundrum of mine will be solved anytime soon.

I’m still waiting for that warmish day to open my windows and doors and get some deep cleaning done. I figure I need several days in order to cover every room. There’s still a part of me that believes I can accomplish, physically, a lot more than I really can. I can’t decide if that’s sad, or just normal. Yes, hope springs eternal. Especially in springtime and especially when it comes to my desire to spiff up my nest.

Meanwhile, the aforementioned Mother Nature seems to be fully in the grip of a tantrum, and it’s a doozy! I watch the news every evening and I always have the same reaction when I see the devastation wrought by the tornadoes that have been ravaging the U.S. mid-west and south: where does one start? I’m no stranger to having a home destroyed. I’ve lost two houses to fire. The first one we were able to rebuild; the second one, we had to sell as is and move into the house we’re now in, as tenants. We later worked an arrangement with the owner, and over time, bought the house from him.

In the aftermath of our fires, I recall just putting one foot in front of the other and doing what had to be done. I remember the tears, and the heartache, and swearing to my self after the second time that no home would ever mean so much to me ever again.

In other words, I reacted as most humans do in the face of a loss.

But the horrendous losses I’m seeing on my television screen make what I endured seem as nothing. I get annoyed by those who decry the use of “thoughts and prayers”. Yes, concrete action needs to happen no matter the situation at hand. But I know a secret to that process, and of course I’m going to share it with you.

In the face of every situation that one may encounter in life, one must begin with the prayers. You see, they’re the fuel that empowers all good action.




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