Wednesday, September 22, 2021

 September 22, 2012

Autumn will officially arrive today at 3:20pm EDT and will bring with it all it’s changeable beauty. Cold and wet one day, hot and dry the next. Or, as David likes to say, it’s the season of turning the furnace on for an hour in the morning—and the A/C on for an hour in the afternoon.

We had an election here on this Monday just passed, and the result was…practically no change at all. In our parliamentary system, there are two “states” of government: a majority government, and a minority government. In a Majority government, the winning party has over 50% of the seats (a majority of the representatives); in a Minority it has the most seats, but not 50% of them, and so must usually form a coalition with another party in order to pass legislation.

We had a Liberal Minority government before the election, and we have the same thing now, after the election. We currently have, in parliament, 5 political parties that claim representation: the Liberals, the Conservatives, the New Democratic Party, the Bloc Quebecois, and the Green Party.

We don’t directly vote for our prime minister. Instead, we vote for our local member of parliament. Who becomes prime minister depends upon which party wins the most seats in the election. A bit confusing, but one gets used to it. And for the first time ever, when I received my ballot this time, there were a couple of people who were listed as “independent” running in our “riding”.

My dear American friends, there is one more major difference between our two countries when it comes to governments and elections: our election campaign began on Sunday, August 15, 2021, and the election was held 36 days later, on Monday, September 20, 2021. The election is now over and so too are all the TV ads, etc. It’s truly the shortest season in Canada and I for one like it that way.

With the arrival of autumn, it’s time to take stock of what jobs need to be done around the house before we batten down the hatches and prepare for whatever kind of winter we’re going to get. David has to go to the hardware store and pick up whatever stain or varnish he plans to put on our new porch steps and railing. He didn’t use treated wood when he built them, so this is the number one item on his “honey do” list.

When I mentioned it to him the other day, he told me to nag him until he gets it done. I told him I don’t nag. I just remind him…. on a never-ending, looped playback. Actually, buying the material is the smallest part of this endeavor. Once it’s in hand, we then have to hope for a small, dry stretch of time in which he can do the actual work.

This is an old house, and when it rains for several days in a row, the entire house feels clammy. The doors like to stick and the floors do, too. Washing the floors in damp weather had always been a little bit problematic as it would take them so long to dry. But we have a spin mop now, which makes doing the floors so much easier. You can spin nearly all the water out of the mop so that you get nearly all the water off the floor.

My days of canning and freezing and jam making are mostly behind me, now, though I do hope to have one more go, next year, with the jam. I used to love this time of year with so many interesting projects to look forward to. I’m still looking forward but to doing things that don’t require as much physical ability.

There are books to be read, and written, and the occasional movie to watch. I’m trying to cut back on some of the news programs, because lately I get the feeling that there’s too much hype. Just give me the facts, please, and leave the emoting to the afternoon serial shows.  

We might soon have to go to the gas station and fill up the car for the second time since acquiring it the first week of August. I am slowly getting used to this new-to-me car. For the most part, I like it. I bought myself a little portable, foldable “step” that I can use when my arthritis acts up. I do sit higher off the road in this car than in my last, so getting into it can be a challenge. Getting out is not. It’s a slow, controlled slide until my feet are on terra firma once more.

Life really is all about adaptation, isn’t in? And the older we get, why, the more changes and adjustments we get to adapt to.

Finally, a skill I can practice—and on a much more regular basis, too!







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