Wednesday, June 9, 2021

 June 9, 2021

One of the things I’ve noticed about myself lately is that my daily routines might be a tad more important to me than probably is good for me.

In the last year especially, it seems that all manner of unexpected happenings have the power to disrupt my schedule and once that happens, I am hard pressed to re-establish control over my day. My ambition flies off into the ether, and I am left to try and…adjust. Friends, at times that adjustment isn’t easy, nor is it pretty.

It used to be that my schedule was like a guard rail, there, just so that I could look up for a moment and see where I was as opposed to where I was heading. These days? My schedule is more like that strong, stout line tied between house and barn that some folks in the mountains have installed for those days when there’s a fierce blizzard and the snow is flying fast and furious and with no visibility. The only way not to end up getting disoriented, lost and dead is to cling to that line, baby, cling! Yes, that’s me and my schedule in a nutshell.

Recently I’ve experienced a number of disruptions which, considering the monotony of the stay-at-home world in which I have faithfully abided during this pandemic might have been considered a nice change of pace. But of course, you have to know that is not the attitude I adopted with these disruptions. I hope I haven’t shocked you with that admission. I keep a positive, upbeat attitude 99 percent of the time. It’s just when someone or something messes with my plan for the day that I tend to kind of lose it.

One day we had a plumber booked come in to fix our cold water tap in the bathtub. That darn thing wasn’t dripping, it was running! He was scheduled to arrive between 8 am and 5 pm. He called at 7:35 am to say he would be there in ten minutes. Of course, it did work out better for us in the end, because we didn’t have to adjust the time David was walking the dogs or napping that day, but still. I never got over the jarring start that day gave me. Why, I hadn’t even had my first cup of coffee yet! It took me a couple of hours to get back to my schedule, but my heart really wasn’t in it.

Another day, I turned on my computer, but my preferred browser wouldn’t open. The error message was one I’d never seen before, and so I contacted the Geek Squad. Yes, I have three browsers on this PC, but the one I like the best has all my bookmarks. And, since I am signed on through google, hooray, the bookmarks were safe.

I kept my patience while the original geek goofed up a couple things, but then finally I was successfully transferred to a “technician” who would assist me via remote. Um, yeah, it was the same geek wearing a different hat, but one really doesn’t have a choice in these matters.

Now, some have chided me for giving remote control to the geek squad to fix my computer issues, because…um….I guess because I am letting THE MAN see what I’ve got here on my computer? I guess I’m not supposed to let THEM know my business.

I think the fact that I am Canadian and not American may speak to my attitude in this area (since it is only my American friends who are appalled). I am not doing anything I should not be doing, so hey, THEM can look all they like. I don’t think I am doing anything interesting enough for anyone to take particular note of me. So they can just look and then they can just go away, yawing with boredom, and leave me alone.

But I digress.

It didn’t take long for the Geek Squad technician to restore my browser, and with my permission they also cleaned up my disc space, and within the hour I was back at the keyboard with nothing lost but some time and, of course, the integrity of my schedule.

One would think that with the dogs barking several times an hour on some days, I should be used to tossing my schedule out the window. That kind of noise, or really any kind of noise, can make it difficult for me to focus. However, for some reason, most days I can ignore the sound of the hounds as I work—at least until David leaves with one dog for the first walk.

Then our Bear-Bear performs The Lament of the Left Behind Puppy in a key guaranteed to drill holes in one’s ear drums. Every. Single. Day. But I know I’ve mentioned that in one (or more) previous essay. And yes, he does it even if he is on my lap being petted.

My current lack of flexibility in this area is probably just a part of getting older. Heck, I’m no where near as flexible physically as I used to be, so it makes sense, I guess, that I’d be less flexible, or perhaps tolerant, is a better word, in other areas.

I am working on this, I really am, and for one reason and one reason only. You see, around September of 2019, I was getting frustrated with all of the appointments, phone calls, errands, that all kept cropping up. I didn’t want to go places and do things then, I just wanted….well, heck, I thought, it would be so nice if I could just stay home, with no need to go anywhere for anything at all for at least a week. That, I told myself, would be wonderful, and such a nice change.

In other words, I’ve learned to be careful what I wish for. So when it comes to my attitude about my schedule, all I can say is I’ve learned my lesson and I’m trying to become a more mellow  me.






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