Wednesday, December 2, 2020

 December 2, 2020

As we continue to travel down this path of uncertainty that is the year 2020, many of us find ourselves discovering who we are underneath the layers of the minutia that became our lives during the relatively good times of the last few years.

I hear a lot of people saying how weary they are of this whole “pandemic thing”, and how they just don’t want to do it anymore. They want to get back to normal. The foot stomp is, of course, implied.

People who say words to that effect clearly have never had to endure much hardship in their lives. The one thing that going through tough times teaches you is that you have to persevere until the hard times leave again. And yes, they always leave again.

In our earliest years as a couple, we went through huge tracts of time when David was out of work. Now, I know I didn’t say out loud, “I’m sick of having to do without. I am so done with this.” I likely thought it, but I wouldn’t have said it aloud, because even I knew, as a young mother, that the hard times would be played out and there really wasn’t much I could do about it except endure.

That is not to say we suffered in silence and did nothing.  We supplemented. David worked at clearing driveways in the winter, he cut wood in the fall, thanks to the generosity of a neighbor who said we could take from his bush what we needed to heat our house. In the spring and summer, we drove around looking for cast away beer bottles. In those years, when drinking and driving was an activity many participated in, there were plenty of bottles to be had. We often put bread and milk on the table from the coins earned turning those empties in. We never sat back and did nothing. But whether or not you can land a job isn’t up to you alone. David always looked for work. And then one day, that neighbor who had offered us all that free wood, hired him. He also owned the quarry, you see, and had watched with his own eyes how hard David worked even without a paycheck. That was, incidentally, the last time David was ever permanently out of a job. There were a few seasonal lay-offs in his first years with the quarry, but that is another story.

Now I can say that I feel blessed having acquired my tolerance of tough times through the innocuous years of simply going without material things. I could have had a bit of a hissy fit and stomped my feet and said I refuse to believe it….and in the end my wallet would still have been empty and my cupboards perilously close to bare. And, with that kind of attitude, my state of mind would have been in a deep hole, and that’s not good for anyone.

In 2020 if someone has a hissy fit and decides to go maskless, to congregate with others who feel the same, the end result might not be as harmless as an empty wallet and hungry belly. The experts are worried that the rash of Thanksgiving travel in the week just passed will result, two weeks down the line, in another, and worse upsurge in cases of the virus. And then a week or so after that, hospitals will be completely overwhelmed with patients. And then a week or so after that, there will be even more refrigerated trucks in use as temporary morgues.

I can’t not think about this. Look, I know you’re tired of all this, but you’ve got to hang on. Hang in there. Vaccines are coming. Relief is coming. You just have to keep on keeping on. The truth is that people are going to die because other people can’t be bothered to wear their damn masks. To save lives, all you have to do is hang on, and wear the damn mask.

For those you know who claim the pandemic was all a hoax to get rid of Trump? He’s on the way out now—he really is—and the pandemic is still here. Oh, and if those you know are arrogant enough to believe that it is all a conspiracy against them, and their dear leader who really and truly is on the way out…please ask them, for me, if they really believe the entire world is in on it?

In Iraq where their legislature was gathered on the weekend just passed and pictures of it televised, they were chanting death to America and they were burning colored posters they’d clearly created for the purpose, posters with pictures of Trump on top and Biden on the bottom. The legislature, the people in the street doing all this chanting and burning? They were all wearing face masks. I doubt the Iraqis would be in on a hoax on the side of any Americans, even if they don’t care for Trump.

To those that you, dear reader, know who are still in denial, tell them Morgan said: deny it in your quiet thoughts if you must, but please, please wear your damn mask!






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