Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 25, 2014

Do you believe in Karma?

One doesn’t need to be a Buddhist in order to put credence to this principle. Basically and simply stated, Karma, as it is defined in that ancient Indian religion says that we are the heirs of our own actions.

You see that word written and hear it spoken a great deal these days. As it’s used today, you wouldn’t be remiss if you assumed that Karma equals payback. Whether for good or ill—and it’s used for both results—as Karma is defined by popular culture today, it’s widely held that people inherit either the rewards or punishments for their own actions, in the due course of their current lives.

One of the best things about being nearly 60 is that I have a lot of years that I can look back on, and enough experience that I can expound on certain things, and one of those things is the existence of Karma as it is popularly used.

I can tell you with a fair bit of certainty that Karma is a force to be reckoned with. Over the course of my life, I have encountered people who, for one reason or another, have set out to purposely harm others. Some of these people—not all, but certainly some—have directed their efforts against me.

I can completely understand that because, despite all appearances to the contrary, I am not an easy person to like, or even to get along with. We all have personal, emotional baggage and mine, quite frankly, gets the best of me sometimes.

I’ve been spending a few good afternoons in hindsight lately, and I can definitely say that there were times when I was the recipient of ill will and actions, that I had it coming. But there were also times when I didn’t earn whatever it was someone did or said against me. In response to many of those times, not surprisingly, the perpetrator later—sometimes within a year or two, and sometimes a fair bit longer—received a big slab of bad Karma to choke down.

If you can wrap your head around this concept, it could quite handily alleviate a great deal of stress from your life. You don’t need to worry about how you’re going to pay so-and-so back when they’ve done you wrong. After all, revenge really is a double-edged sword. Why risk even more crap raining down on your personal parade? You can get caught up in getting even, and before you know it, you have your own engraved, silver-plated fork for your regular consumption of Karma cake.

No, friends, it’s far better to take a few moments after these instances and bind your wounds. And then adopt that well known expression of Mr. T from the past century. Yes, after the binding of the wounds, take time to look upon the one who wounded you, and pity the fool—resting confident that Karma will come to visit them sooner or later.

Spend what time you can turning away from what has hurt you and instead focus on doing something for someone else. Make a difference, using whatever gifts you’ve been given, and give no more thought to “getting even” or paying someone back. Not only will you feel better, you’ll be earning yourself good Karma, which can end up being a very valuable commodity for you indeed.

Karma is real, and it will take care of things for you. However, if you’re someone who eschews the trends of pop culture, preferring to cling to traditional mores and concepts, take heart. You too can trust in the inevitability of Karma.

Or, as it is also known, the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping.


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